Our primary mission is to build a dance community that is focused on sharing the joy and benefits of dance here in Northern Colorado. The organizers of NoCo Swing Dance are all volunteers and all of the proceeds from our events go towards building the dance community and towards future dance events. One of our primary goals is to make our dances accessible and affordable to all. We would not be able to do this without volunteers to help us with our events and in meeting many of the challenges that a small but growing community faces. As a community we are always looking for feedback and we would like to encourage others whether you are a beginner or advanced dancer to join us.

NoCo Swing Dance House Rules

All members of the NoCo Swing Dance community must respect an individual’s boundaries on and off the dance floor.

All members of the NoCo Swing Dance community must treat each other with respect in person, via multimedia and communications via email.

All illegal activities such as theft and defamation of one NoCo Swing Dance member by another NoCo Swing Dance member are not permitted.

All members of the NoCo Swing Dance community must understand and be willing to accept that we are a maturing, resource limited organization and that we, from an organization, perspective may not be able to meet all members expectations. As part of the house rules NoCo Swing Dance members must also agree to our event rules:

  • Dance at your own risk/we are not liable for injuries.
  • Keep track of your stuff/we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Photos may be taken and may be used on our Social Media pages.
  • Don’t damage the venue or wonder.
  • Don’t be a jerk.

We require that everyone abide by our dance rules of etiquette:

  • Please read the “room”. While generally speaking we encourage everyone to dance with everyone else as much as possible we also encourage everyone to respect someone saying no and/or hesitating when being asked to dance. We ask that everyone use their people skills especially when asking fellow dancers to dance a number of times.
  • Personal hygiene is very important. We encourage everyone to come to our dances and classes showered and with brushed teeth and/or freshened breath. People are more likely to want to dance with you if you smell good.
  • Do not wear black soled shoes on the dance floor and if possible designate a pair of dance shoes that are not worn outside of the dance floor. All questions must be directed to NoCo Swing Dance messenger or by email at nocoswingdance@gmail.com. Due to facebook limitations NoCo Swing Dance can only respond directly upon receiving a message from you. Thank you very much for contacting NoCo Swing.

All questions must be directed to NoCo Swing Dance messenger or by email at nocoswingdance@gmail.com. Due to facebook limitations NoCo Swing Dance can only respond directly upon receiving a message from you. Thank you very much for contacting NoCo Swing.

If an individual reports a NoCo Swing Dance community member for a breach of the house rules it is up to the NoCo Swing Organizer’s on how they would like to deal with that breach.

It is at the sole discretion of the NoCo Swing Dance organizers to determine how severe a member’s failure to live up to the NoCo Swing Dance House Rules are and in the most extreme case they have the right to ban an individual from NoCo Swing events and social media.